Certified Limited Edition Prints ( ie. only 59 professional print copies for retailed sales ), by the relatively few Aussie and International Pyographers who have mastered burning Pyrography as fine art on paper to true exhibition standard, being the only known means to reproduce top quality and easy to market prints.

Your web designer and host of this site, K. J. Mixo Sydenham, home based in the Strzelecki Ranges east Melbourne, Australia, is currently reviewing applications from fellow Pyrography burnt on paper specialists, who preferably have a verifiable resume of exhibitions, commissions, promotional events, ongoing sales, and possibly tutoring skills as well.

An example of verifiable long standing resume of the Pyrography exhibitions and events I coordinated and arranged sponsorship for,

Please Click here.

In a nutshell, my personal Pyrographical history began as a teenager, when I greatly admired the Pyroworks of my late uncle Morrie Hopkins, who was a professional Printing Plate Maker of collectable books at Wilkes Printers in Melbourne. Uncle Morrie often created and sold about half a dozen most exteremley detailed Pyroworks burnt on wood and presented in frames he made, to his workmates, which in due course paid for his falily's annual holidays, and other expenses.

As it turned out, I had a serious motorcycle accident aged 19, which resulted in me having two broken arms in plaster for 3 months, with a platinum plate and 10 inch pin in my left arm in recovery mode. Whilst unable to work in my bank job, with a fair amount of time being totallkybored to kill, I experimented for ages, how to burn basic putlines and eventually pictures on scrap pieces of wood in my Dad's shed with his soldering iron, roughly based on and similar to Uncle Morrie's fantastic style and technique.

Obviously, as with this site layout, my proposed business plan is also still under construction, and is open to the suggestions, and flexible to meeting the requirements, preferences, and special circumstances of those Paper Pyro sepcialists, who may also be looking for recognition, acknowledgement, and some basic income, from what is in my professional and experienced opinion, likely to be one of the world's rarest, and therefore the most collectable, artistic and creative and flexible skills, yet to be properly promoted and commercially developed in the Art World and most governmental funding bodies.

If I mat add, my most memorable past sponsored exhibitions, were -

A stall on the Women's Weekly magazine annual craft fair at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, ( $2500 stall spondorship ) in 19 where about half a dozen fellow Victorian Pyro demonstrated and taught hundreds of adults and kids, which had 10 Ironcore Pyro Pens ( worth over $2,000 ) sponsored by Don Kent, manager of the brilliant Ironcore Transformer Pyro Pens, from Preston in Victoria.

A lady friend from near Frankfurt, Germany tha I met on Magnetic Island in far north Queensland, sent me an invite to get to know her better, plus a plane ticket, which ended 4 months later ending up with me staying in Vienna Austria, where at my fiorst Saturday night party there, I was invited to exhibit and demonstrate my Pyrography skills, in a joint exhivbition K. J. Mixo Sydenham,
C/- P.O. Warragul, Victoria, Australia, 3820.